Great Movie Soundtracks

With so many great movies coming out every year, it’s no surprise that we’ve listened to a lot of great music. Today, the Liv Ahwatukee Blog is sharing what we think to be some of the greatest soundtracks in recent years. Whether you’re cruising around Phoenix, AZ or chilling in your apartment, get some great listening in with these soundtracks.


One of the things that Director Christopher Nolan always gets right in his movies is his choice of music. Dunkirk is a visually breathtaking masterpiece with an equally stirring soundtrack. After seeing this movie, you won’t be forgetting the imagery or great music anytime soon.

Baby Driver

If you’ve seen Baby Driver, then you’ll know just how important the music is to this movie. Not only is each track a driving force in moving the story forward, but an important element that gets noticed, and discussed, by the actual characters themselves. With high-energy chase sequences seemingly choreographed to memorable nostalgic tracks from the 1970s, there are plenty of songs that everyone will enjoy listening to over and over again.

Swiss Army Man

Much of the beauty of the indie film Swiss Army Man comes from its enchanting soundtrack. In our opinion, one of 2016’s most compelling and daring films was also one of the most rewarding listens. That was Swiss Army Man. 

Guardians of the Galaxy 2

It was no surprise that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 had great music. Much similarly to Baby Driver, Guardian’s soundtrack is a throwback to past generations. The music is upbeat, catchy, and tugs on the heartstrings of memorabilia and nostalgia. Whether you want to dance or just listen, this soundtrack is one of 2017’s best.

Wonder Woman

DC movies have always had great music, and Wonder Woman is no exception. With each track a new layer of emotion is added, building Wonder Woman’s story along with a great experience for the audience. 

a standing widely smiling and dancing young girl holding a smartphone and listening to music