Pets that Thrive in Apartment Living

Liv Multifamily apartment communities provide the ideal living situation for you and your pets. Our clear and practical pet policy makes apartment living enjoyable for you, your new companion, and the neighbors. Having a pet is a wonderful experience, and the joy of their companionship may make all the difference in restricted places like apartments. You might be searching for a low-maintenance pet that will thrive in your apartment if you are an owner or a new renter. You can choose from a variety of furry, scaled, or feathery friends.


While dogs are generally thought to be high-maintenance pets, they can thrive in apartment settings. Dogs are regarded as being very clever animals who are incredibly sociable. While they do require a lot more hands-on attention, you may teach them to be good well-behaved. However, you'll need to work with your dog to let them understand your boundaries and maintain a routine.

The exercise requirements and propensity to bark of a dog breed are the most important factors to consider. Dogs are sociable beings that require daily activity and mental stimulation in order for them to thrive. To allow your dog to socialize and burn off energy, take them on regular walks and occasionally to the dog park.

Even if your apartment does not have a pet size or weight restriction, it's ideal to go for a tiny or medium-sized dog. Keep in mind that some small breeds, such as terriers, beagles, and toy dogs, are quite bouncy and can be noisy. When left alone, high-energy dog breeds can be extremely destructive. If your work schedule demands that you be away from home for lengthy periods of time, consider hiring a pet sitter to keep your dog active and engaged during the day.


Cats are unquestionably the most popular pets in apartment complexes. They are quiet, smaller than dogs, and strongly independent. Most cat breeds love apartment living; they'll nap for the majority of their day curled up in a favorite corner. Cats also like leaping on top of the apartment's high shelves and worktops. As a result, you'll almost certainly need to invest in storage with doors. Finding shattered cups, glasses, plates or vases is not uncommon with curious kitties as companions, so take measures to prevent it.

In general, cats only require food, water, and a clean litter box to feel at home in any environment. Some breeds may require mental stimulation, such as games or toys. If you spend a large portion of your day away from home, consider purchasing a cat tree or a cat-safe window perch for your feline companion to keep him entertained.

If you have a balcony, make sure it's secured so that your cat doesn't escape to explore. To create a barrier around the balcony, most owners use wooden lattice, chicken wire, or some other robust types of mesh.


Fish are one of the most low-maintenance pets on our list, and they're ideal for novice pet owners. It's very simple to get an aquarium, and it looks fantastic in your house. Smaller aquariums of less than five gallons might be placed on an end table or TV stand, while bigger tanks in excess of 10 gallons can be displayed as living artworks. What's more, viewing fish swim may help to reduce stress and blood pressure. Some of the most popular choices for first-time fishkeepers are goldfish, rasboras, zebrafish, and neon tetras. To ensure that your fish have a pleasant living environment, you must clean the tank or aquarium on a regular basis. It is also your duty to keep an appropriate pH balance, nitrite/nitrate, and water hardness in the tank.

Keep in mind that some species thrive best with a group of three to eight individuals. You may also need to add decorations like corals and live plants to keep the fish entertained, depending on the species. If you intend on keeping two or more distinct breeds in the same tank, be sure you understand their optimal living circumstances and temperaments beforehand.


Birds are low-maintenance pets that can quickly adjust to life in a smaller environment. While you must confine them to cages for their protection, you should also consider how they feel about their need for freedom and physical activity.

It's important to keep your birds healthy and happy. You'll need the right nutrition for each species, as well as a cage that has enough area for a little flying. Many parrot-type breeds require more activity and interaction to be satisfied. If you leave them alone all day, problems caused by stress and loneliness may emerge. Small birds, such as canaries and finches, may live in small places if they have the right cage.

Birds are naturally noisy, and they wake up with the sun. Even if you cover their cage with a light-blocking cloth, they'll almost certainly chirp, chat, caw, or warble early in the morning. Because your feathery pal will require fresh food and water soon after waking up, you may need to change your sleep schedule. Before selecting a pet bird species, consider how much noise you and your neighbors can tolerate.


Rodents that dwell in limited areas, such as hamsters, rats, and guinea pigs, are suited to life in an enclosure and can be content with just one human contact per day. While guinea pigs require somewhat more room to run about freely, hamsters and rats may live comfortably in smaller enclosures or cages. Syrian hamsters are solitary creatures, but most rodents should be kept in small groups.

You'll need to clean the cages and change the bedding on a regular basis to keep their home smelling fresh. Most breeds are nocturnal, which implies they'll be playing and squeaking throughout the night. If you're a light sleeper, you might find this to be a little too noisy. Hamsters can live for two to three years and guinea pigs for four to six years on average. Rodents are an excellent choice for people who don't want to commit long-term because they have such a short lifespan.


Reptiles are one of the most suitable choices for apartment living since they have a calm and quiet disposition. Geckos and bearded dragons are two of the most popular pet lizards. They're an excellent choice for youngsters because they're easy to care for and prove to be rewarding pets. They're also extremely well-behaved, seldom getting annoyed by or biting their owners.

To be happy and healthy, geckos and bearded dragons require a specific amount of humidity, light, and heat. Once you've set up the equipment, all you have to do is clean their habitat once in a while to keep them cheerful and healthy. Keep in mind that you'll need to feed your reptiles insects like mealworms or crickets to keep them nourished. If you're not familiar with reptiles, the leopard gecko and crested gecko are better beginner lizards than a beardie.

Exotic Animals

Sugar gliders are an excellent choice for people who want to keep a more unusual pet in a small space. While they're very loving creatures, sugar gliders require more attention and care than other pets. Shrimps and hermit crabs are also quite popular if you want to have aquatic animals. If you are not squeamish and really want to get a pet out of the ordinary, tarantulas, king scorpions, and snakes can be amazing and surprisingly easy to care for. The rose hair tarantula and the corn snake are some of the best exotic pets you can have.

Before deciding which pet would be the best match for you, learn about the requirements and restrictions of each. This way, you can assure that they are happy and safe in their new surroundings so that they may thrive.
